Amanda & Rumbi : It's Layered (2)
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It's Layered is a podcast by Zimbabwean girls, Amanda & Rumbi, living on two different continents and keeping their long-distance friendship of over 20 years thriving! Join them as they delve deeper into life, love and all things under the sun because in life... zvine malayers!!
The following episode was recorded on 9/4/21 (Happy 40th Beyoncé!)
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Vongai: yeah. So what gave y'all the idea to start the podcast? Also, where'd the name come from? I know, zvinemalayers, but like, was that the first name y'all came up with? Like, oh, we're gonna call it It's Layered. Like who came up with and I want to know all the things.
Amanda: I’ll let Rumbi take this one.
Rumbi: Oh, gosh, I was waiting on you. And honestly, as you know, our friendship has been long distance for a long time. And a lot of our conversations last for hours and beyond the catch up the you know, typical things that girlfriends talk about, we've always spoken about our existence. I think we both feel that tension, you were talking about Vongai of belonging to two worlds, and that, you know, that friction it brings and, you know, loving our home and where we come from an identity but also grappling with what it means as you know, that's I can I feel you and all that you're saying, I can relate 1,000% because these are conversations we have all the time, and not fitting in a mold and being this like weird myriad of different things. I think we've always felt that. And so we'd have different conversations about all these topics, and like really just dissecting, and just like, “Ah, it's layered, like it's so layered.” And that was just a term that would just always come up in conversation. And so through these chats, I'll be like to Amanda, we should start a podcast. Like, I would literally just say that, because I'm like, we want to talk about this and kind of hear other people's perspectives, or know if we're the only ones who feel this way, if that makes sense. Yeah. And I said, you know, a couple of times, and then Amanda was like, when you're ready bet, let's do it. And I was like, Okay, and then she was like, so what are we starting this podcast, you know, subsequently? And I was like, yeah, we're gonna do this, you know? And we're like, yeah, and then like, what do we call it? And then Amanda was like, Well, you always say It's Layered, right? So zvinemalayers, and that's , it literally was born from conversations in the friendship. And just, yeah, I don't know, Amanda you can
Amanda: Yeah no for sure and hoping people can relate. Like, we can't be the only ones feeling this way. You know, and it almost feels that sometimes when you go home and try have these conversations with people who are in Zimbabwe, it feels like you're being like. You know, when you see someone being pretentious, you know, because I'm like, Oh, my God, when I go overseas, and I'm waiting in line for my visa, and they're like, “Dude, at least you’re going,” you know what I mean? Like, and then when you're here, and you're like, Oh, my gosh, the struggle to get a visa. And then people are like, “What's a visa?” So it's like, We didn’t really.
Vongai: EXACTLY!!
Amanda: I was like I need someone to understand. So I feel like I mean, a lot of our listeners are in the diaspora. And I think that's because not that it's made for them exclusively no it's made for anyone and everyone. But I think their relation with that is much higher for them because it's a safe space where we can have these conversations like okay, let's talk about classicism and back home when I never used to talk to a guy who went to this kind of school but here now in Australia he’s my best friend. Like why? Why couldn't I be best friends with him back home, you know, so it's like those kinds of things that are it's it's a space to try to bridge the gap I think between.
Rumbi: Yeah. Exactly.
Amanda: Yeah, it's been, it's been very enlightening having a podcast, that's for sure.
Rumbi: Mhm.
Vongai: I love that. I love all that you're doing, I love that you exist because it wouldn't be much fun if like, ZimExcellence was like the only one because I'm seeing life through one lens and y’all are seeing it from a completely different lens. And, you know, it's just so great to have more of us and more of our voices. So it's not like we are speaking for everyone. Because you know, that that's not fair. And there's no way to truly speak for everyone. I also think that your existence in this space is so important, because I believe this statistic is something like women make 50% of all podcast listeners, but less than 50% of podcast shows are actually hosted by women. And then even less than that are hosted by women of color and and of that number, you know, Black women. Yeah. And, you know, let's not even touch on African women and Zimbabwean women and all of that.
Rumbi: Don't even get me started and, and it's so boring, like to live in a whitewashed world, like, just like or male dominated. It's like, Can we get some like, variation here? Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's like, just to feel relate, and I think that's it. That's why I listen to podcasts. That's why it's just to be like, yeah, I can relate to that, or either be entertained or feel relate, like you relate or educated in a sense. And I mean, I know so many dope, Black African, Zimbabwean women and people who are different to me. Do you get what I mean? Like, why don't I see. I feel like Issa Rae, you know, she started like, you know the Awkward Black Girl.
Vongai: YESS!
Rumbi: Because she was like she knows so many, like, dope people, but she wouldn't see them like represented in her on TV, wherever, you know. And so she created a show that showed her friends and I'm like, Yeah, like Exactly. Like, why aren't we this? So? Yeah. And then it's that's why we’re here.
Vongai: It’s important that we're having this [sings] crossover episode. I’d say it’s part one, because I’m going to be on yalls very soon that’s going to be the part two, y'all. It's important that this is happening, because it's important to have examples of Black women supporting each other and not being in catfights, like Real Housewives of Atlanta, my guilty pleasure.
Amanda: Mine too.
Vongai: And just women general. Y’know, all of these reality shows like The Bachelor and all of that, it's important that there are examples of women supporting each other and Black women supporting each other without it turning into a whole catfight. And wigs being pulled and all of that, right. It's important to be supporting each other as Zimbabweans, because I feel like there's often been this like belief system of, Oh, I can't share my good fortune or my success, because there'll be jealous or they'll curse on me go to n’anga (witchdoctor/traditional healer) and do this, and all that jazz.
Rumbi: 1,000% and it's like, there's only room for one or there's only room for certain girls.
Amanda: It’s so funny we accept like 20 white shows that are showing us exact same thing. And we're like, yeah, that's fine and watch season after season. But when it comes to Black or people of color productions or creative outlets, when we have this sense of tokenism, which really maybe did come from colonialism, but also came. We’re also perpetuating it, because we're just making it like, Oh, this is only be one podcast, or they will only be one but who said like why is it other people allowed to have 20 of these and all of them be successful? But when it comes to us, like we immediately think they can only be one? I mean, they can only be one Beyonce, we do admit this.
Rumbi: Hail, all hail the queen, yes.
Vongai: Yes Queen Bey.
Amanda: We do admit to that point. Beyonce but there’s a lot of other, you know, singers, you know, so it's like, I think it's like that, and like when we, we we started talking and vibing Vongai I loved that, that it's like, we’re supportive. It's a community and this is what this is, you know, you share ideas, you you you help each other up. And I think people look at it like this my thing I can't share it in this, like, you know, there's a difference between IP and there's a difference between, you know, having a community and I think yeah, this is having a community you know, we've got our podcast that does what we're doing. You've got your beautiful podcast that does what it’s doing but it should shouldn't have to be competing. It can be in the same space.
Rumbi: Just think of yourself as a consumer of content. Like how I wait for Black movies to come out on Netflix. Like How are we still here? Like, how is it still a thing where you’re counting down? You're like, yo, do you see this new show that's come out? Do you get what I mean? And it's like, brah. Shouldn't we be like, Oh my gosh, I was watching this. And then I'm like, do you get what I mean? So there’s absolutely room for everyone. And I think it's like, Come on people like it's okay. And the sharing of knowledge or, you know, helping each other. Ain't nothing wrong with that. If you're, you're good. You're good. Like, it's okay. It's not the end of the world like, Yeah, I don't know. I just get tired.
Vongai: Two things, the first thing to say is, you know, I don't want to be over here like turning, you know, turning my eyes away like “Oh, no, it's layered, exists, I can't see what they're doing. Because I'll be influenced or like, they hate me, or I'm in competition with them,” and all of that stuff. And at the same. And then the second thing I want to say is that different audiences are receptive to different voices. So we could be saying the exact same thing. But one person might find the way it's being said on It's :ayered more, I guess, they might be more receptive to how it's being said, and it's layered. And on my show, they might think, Oh, you know, musalad, like, she's very pretentious, and might not be receptive on my end.
Rumbi: Or maybe people just want to hear it said from two different perspectives too or Yeah, it's, yeah,
Amanda: The same way we have, like five actors and actresses that we like, we don't just have one and follow one. Yeah. You know, so why can't it be like that with, you know, with what Black creatives are doing, we can like it all. And it's fine. You know, so even from what Rumbi was saying, from a consumer point of view, if I've got enough money to go to this movie, I've got enough money to go to another movie. So it's like, I can give you my time I can give you if you do quality stuff, it's fine. Yeah. And I think people always compete when you don't need to,
Rumbi: You don't and I hate it. Like, as a consumer, it's like when I'm like, oh, I've listened to all the podcasts that like, you know, when you like it's training, and then I'm going to go to the Discover pages, and just all these, like white shows. And I'm just like, why like give me something? You know what I mean? Like, I don't know, like, it's so, so frustrating, like having to search high and low for what you can relate to. And I think of like, if I'm listening to a podcast on mental health, like if there's something an issue I'm currently like, working through, I might want to listen to different perspectives or different people, or have it kind of, you know, before I truly receive it. You know, just like with Black Lives Matter, we didn't say to someone, just go and watch 12 Years A Slave and you understand slavery. You get what I mean? Yeah. The other ways to understand it, you can watch Boyz N hood. But then you can also watch.
Vongai: Love Jones or Brown Sugar.
Rumbi: Love Jones!
Amanda: YES !
Vongai: Because it’s important to see Black people in love and doing the exact same thing that Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks be doing in the movies?
Amanda: YES.
Rumbi: Exactly!
Amanda: And not be all from the hood. Please
Rumbi: Exactly
Vongai: It’s important for us to see rich black women being like, I don't want to date him. Like, I’m too busy my career.
Rumbi & Amanda : Yeah.
Amanda: I don't want not just the best friend and we can be lead actresses. I want to be the lead. You understand?
Rumbi: You ladies understand, you understand. So that's what I'm saying. It's like, I get worked up because it’s something I clearly feel strongly about.
Amanda: But I will give credit to the Black Lives Matter movement for that. I think it cracked open these conversations, you know, before people thought it was like, you know, not really. Even their whole sense of privilege. Like I had a lot of white Australians come up to me and they were like, I always thought privilege was tied to money. Like I'm not rich. So when you guys used to say, “Oh, you guys got privilege.” I'm like, “Well, I'm not rich. So you’re not talking about me. But now I was like no even just waking up or the cop walking past you and you not hesitating is privilege” like that. That's what I'm talking about and was like, good to have those conversations. Finally, people to get it. Finally, what we were trying to say all along.
Vongai: Yeah, there's like five different types of privilege like Luvvie Ajayi posted something months ago on Instagram. And I think she like had, I can't remember like, how many out of the list but she had like a lot. And it was like, I'm curious. I want to do the thing. And I had like the same number as her so well. So there's racial privilege. So like white privilege. And then there's the privilege of being heterosexual. And then there's the privilege of being able-bodied, which means not having a disability and being able to go around and not needing, you know, those extra.
Amanda: Systems.
Vongai: Yes, systems. And then there's the privilege of being cisgender . So not identifying as transgender, and all that stuff. Oh, and then there's the privilege of education.
Amanda: Yes, so true. Oh, my God. That's so true.
Rumbi: And black people don't think we have privileged too. Through classicism again.
Amanda: And colourism.
Vongai: Yep yep.
Vongai & Rumbi: Zvinemalayers.
Amanda: Guys shall we go there? [laughter]
Vongai: So that's the hardest thing about starting the podcast for y'all.
Amanda: I think for me, I knew nothing about podcasts. Rumbi had to, like thrust me into this world. I think I was just, I literally, I think I'm a visual person very visual. So like to sit there and like, listen to someone just sounded like snoozefest to me, initially. But then, like, I think once I started getting into it, and actually listening to the voices that I could relate to, you're like, Whoa, I actually like this. And I usually use it now when I'm doing errands I don't want to do so like cleaning around the house or whatever. So I think for me, it was just buying into the community, you know, like, what is podcasting? What's it about? Is it like a radio show? Is it like, What are they talking about? And I think once I understood what it is, and wrapped my head around it and its intent, then I came on board more with Rumbi, I think that's when I started saying to me, are we gonna do this? Because then, actually, we could actually see what she meant I see the vision she had. That was what it was like, for me starting with actually getting to know about podcasting.
Rumbi: I've always been someone if I don't all figure it out, I'll Google it. I'll find a way. I can't say that was a hard part. I think maybe on a more internal level, there's a question of like, Do you have something to say? Obviously, you know, you have something to say, but it's like, will people be like, but why are you talking? Do you get what I mean? So that kind of tension of like.
Vongai: Imposter Syndrome.
Rumbi: Who are you to feel like you have something to say, maybe and taking that leap to open your mouth? And because when you're having the conversations privately, it's great, right? You’er friends like it's, it's, you know, it's a it's a safe space? Well, when you start sharing, it's like, how will it be received? But then we just did it anyway. Like, as much as that, you know, I've always been that person. I've never been afraid to do things that scare me, or are a bit intimidating because I the thing I would hate most is what if it? What if I had tried? That's one of the things that drives me nuts. So I don't really think I think maybe that was the hardest, quote unquote, part. But I think it's just been a real pleasure to work with Amanda to work with a friend and like we vibe and understand each other, we get each other. We know where we help each other. It's been a privilege. And I think we are fortunate and lucky and blessed to have that.
Amanda: Yeah it has been.
Vongai: Who would you say your ideal audience is for for the podcast?
Amanda: I would say for me personally, and Rumbi, you probably have your own take on this. I think for me, it's for the girls left home. Maybe not necessarily, maybe they could still even be in Zim, but you're not. You always feel like an oddball or you always feel like you're not quite. Quite what everyone expects you to be, you know? Zim is very patriarchal, very traditionalist kind of society. And I think we always fought against that. And then most thought, are we crazy for doing it? So I think it's not crazy. But it's like, for those people who feel like they don't belong, whether you're in Zim or not. For me personally, like it's just a safe space to just talk, have bants, laugh, and like talk about, you know, al the things we face straddling two cultures, so to speak. That's how it is for me.
Rumbi: I have to agree with Amanda. I think it's for the outliers. I remember as a kid growing up, I would look at and be like, why isn't someone. Why didn't someone tell me like, this is what life is like? Or why didn't someone tell me how to deal with a situation like this? Or, you know, those feelings? I just really feel like the oddball and kind of you know. So definitely for, for that girl who's like, wait, what am I like crazy what's going on to say like, it's okay to be different. I think I've always known and been different since I was very young in my family, and just in general. And I think it's also for the people we encounter in this life we lead in the diaspora. You know, colleagues, I've had former students message me telling me, they've been listening to the podcast, like, just to help them get a true sense of what it means for us being Black, being African, being Zimbabwean and being out here in this world. What does it mean? And that's, I also do that for them. Because it's like, let's show you who you are. You don't always get to see who we are, aside from WorldVision ads. And those, you know, like, this is, this is who you are.
Vongai: That's so dope. What would you say about your friend about your co host, about your collaborator for the listeners? Amanda, if you could share some beautiful words about Rumbi and what she means to you and her existence and her friendship? What would you say?
Amanda: We would have to probably finish all the rest of the episode with me saying, oh, the beautiful. Rumbi, I don't have sisters. Yeah, I grew up in a house full of boys. So Rumbi has been a soul sister to me, like just that person. I know. A constant in my life. I it's so hard. Because I mean, that's sometimes you take it for granted when you have someone so close and you vibe with them. And sometimes don't take a moment to actually say, you know, thank you for being you, you know, and I guess this is my moment to say to Rumbi. Thank you for everything we've done together. Everything we've spoken about talked, about talked through. I mean, she's also a prayer warrior of mine, which is very important, especially when you live far from home. And in an atheist society, it's nice to have that person who, who just gets it. You know, through and through and Rumbi always does and even if she doesn't, like doesn't really understand she allows my vision or my way of seeing things to exist, you know, it's not like our you know, it's absolute. I think this and there's nothing else she's always so open and so gracious with her time and energy and I love that about him. So kudos to you, Rumbi. You're amazing.
Rumbi: Thank you. Oh, my goodness, you want to win the tissue. You want us to cry. Vongai was like Okay, so we're gonna make people cry at the end of this episode. Get that tissue. Nah. If I can share words about Amanda, that I don't know, where do you begin? I think she's a rider you know, they say ride or die. But we are not dying.
Amanda: Why are we dying?
Rumbi: She’s consistent. She's a friend who's seen me at the lowest of lows in my life and never changed. You know, when you're at the lowest part of your life, you know who's there for you and who's not. And she's always been cheering me on supporting me. Hands down. She's my voice of reason. She's like, my snap back to reality. Like if I'm being too hard on myself, because I am. Anyone who knows me knows I'm you know, yeah, really critical. And she kind of snaps me back. She's a support system. She's an advisor. She's, you know, but she's also Amanda is a go-getter. She's focused. But she has a soft heart. I think not. When you see her you think like, she's just a badass B. I mean, but I've seen her gentle soul and her love for people. She's a connector, she's one of one. And yeah, I could go on. It's just one of those things like.
Amanda: Yeah look at us gushing.
Rumbi: I know.
Amanda & Rumbi: We’re so soft.
Rumbi: What happened.C’mon.
Vongai: I love it.
Rumbi: But she's one, t's one of those relationships where I always say, life is hard. But I'm so grateful. I get to do it with people like Amanda. You know, I'd rather her in my corner than 10,000 friends or whatever.
Vongai: I'm loving this LoveFest. I’m in my feels. Right after this (I’m going to call my friend and )I’m gonna be like I love you friend.
Rumbi: You need to be calling the homies.
Amanda: I know hug your friends tighter.
Vongai: Okay, lightning round. What are y'all zodiac signs. I'm a Capricorn.
Amanda: Libra,
Rumbi: Leo.
Vongai: Ah. Okay. Are y'all early birds are night owls.
Amanda: Early bird
Rumbi: Neither
Vongai: What is the time zone? We don't know.
Rumbi: When I'm awake. I'm awake. But it takes me a while to get up and I sleep. Not early, early. But pretty early. Yeah.
Vongai: Do y'all have a favorite movie or an album from this past year award season?
Rumbi: The Black Messiah was really good. I think for this past year as a movie.
Amanda: The movie the photograph. The Photograph with Issa Rae.
Vongai: I was in that I wasn’t IN that but my voice was in that.
Rumbi: Waait!
Amanda: I could sense you that’s why, I could sense a Zimbabwean in that.
Rumbi: Please tell!
Vongai: Yes it was my first SAG (Screen Actors Guild Union) coin. And I was like, wow, I can make how much money in two hours. Amazing.
Rumbi: What did you do?
Vongai: I did the additional dialogue recording. I did the ADR because there's scenes that are in London. And they did them in America. They just needed people to do the British. The British voice and so I did.
Amanda : Oh wow! You know, I think it was so like sometimes you get so used to seeing Black love struggles but in a way where it's like you cheated on me or you know, I don't know like, it's called like, cast could have been had that movie been shot 10 years ago. It would have had a white cast. You know what I mean? Again, I just like that we can still do a story like that and still be people of color.
Vongai: It's so interesting, Amanda because now I think about it and I see it. I feel like you kind of resemble Stella Meghie, the director.
Amanda: Really?
Rumbi: Oh she’s dope I like her.
Amanda: I’ll take that.
Vongai: Sweet. Do y'all have a favorite holiday and by holiday mean like Christmas, New Year's montagnes days not a holiday.
Rumbi: Christmas. I like go. I don't know what it is, but I just say I'm big on it.
Vongai: I’m a Christmas baby so I was basically convinced at a young age that Mariah made that album for me.
All three : [laughter]
Rumbi: Why not? If not? Why not?
Amanda: I don’t have a favourite holiday. Any holiday? As long as you're not going to work.
Rumbi: Bring it on. Yeah, bring it on.
Vongai: Okay, if y'all could have any superpower what would it be? Amanda first.
Amanda: I’m sweating. Being invisible, being invisible.
Vongai: Okay, Rumbi
Rumbi: Teleporting
Vongai: Nice. Do we like the like, out of a franchise? Avengers Star Wars Harry Potter? Avengers Amanda: Avengers.
Rumbi: I'm a DC girl so the Dark Knight series.
Vongai: Ooh and y’all friends?
Amanda: She can go do that with her other friends. It's okay.
Vongai: Yeah. Um, I'm favorite Zimbabwean musician.
Amanda: Jah Prayzah.
Rumbi: Chiwoniso.
Vongai: Favorite childhood snack when y'all would go to the tuck shop with your monies..
Amanda: Freezit. Nothing beats a Freezit for me.
Rumbi: Spuds. Probably spuds.
Vongai: Controversial question time. Already. Mazoe orange vs. Mazoe green.
Amanda: I! Green.
Rumbi: Orange.
Amanda: Green!
Vongai: And you guys are friends?
Amanda: I find that the orange [makes throat clearing noise]. Like it doesn’t go down properly.
Rumbi: The other one is like you can have it in a freezit. Mazoe Cream Soda like you can do freezit but we need the OG.
Amanda: Well I like freezit so it tracks!
Rumbi: Ok that’s fair, that’s fair.
Amanda: I even like the the purple mazoe oops, that was that was clutch as well.
Rumbi: Really I loved the peach.
Amanda: The peach, clearly anything that’s not the original. Me I like the remix.
Vongai: This is a power statement. I am Zim excellence because blank. Rumbi go first.
Rumbi: I have Zimxcellence because I know no bounds. No Boundaries. No Limit. Like I am Zim excellence because I know I can do whatever I'm gonna do.
Amanda: You and me I see you because I'm ZimExcellence because I can do anything. I can be anything and I am whatever I want to be.
Vongai: Yesss [snaps]
Amanda: I think Zimbabweans we are so talented and we undersell ourselves so often because of everything we faced, but we got a lot of talent. Y’all we need to realize that talent.
Rumbi: We the ish.
Amanda: We’re everywhere
Rumbi: Look atchu. Vongai just making us feel so badass.
Amanda: I know.
Vongai: This is this is this is what I do. This is why people are friends with me. This is what I’m all about. I'm all about women's empowerment. Ladies, I'm trying to say it with my Beyonce voice when she's in Homecoming. She's like, Ladies!! (are we smart? Are we strong?) Ladies as we wrap up, I would love it. If you can share a message with our listeners, as well as letting them know where they can continue to follow your journey. If you want to shout anyone out, you can do so. And, you know, let us know all the things. You don't have to spell it out. It'll be in the show notes. But I've been loving this love fest. It was such an honor and a privilege to celebrate Beyonce’s birthday with you. Take it away, ladies.
Amanda: Well, you can obviously find this on all the podcast platforms as It's :ayered. You can obviously find us on Instagram. That's where we're most active with any listeners who want to give us feedback comments. So anything at obviously, @it'slayered again. And what else are we on Rumbi? Rumbi: We’re on Twitter. It's layered pod. We're on Facebook. It's layered podcast, I think. And Amanda is selling yourself short. She's also a stylist on I am whom I am Instagram. So check her out there. Yeah, and you can also I mean, all our information is on it's layered anyways, like our handles and stuff. The Black African woman, we've also got a special something something coming out with them. So check them out, too.
Vongai: any last parting words?
Amanda: For me, it would definitely be continued doing you like I think a lot of times it's Zimbabweans. We don't get time to pat ourselves on the back. And sometimes you take the moment enjoy the VISTA and keep going. You can keep going keep going. The fight never ends. But what you're doing keep pushing. Keep, keep making sure people know your name wherever you go. Keep making sure they know you’re Zimbabwean wherever you go. Be proud of who you are. Regardless of anything. We're all here to support you.
Rumbi: For me, it would be you have every right to be in the rooms that you are in. Don't let anyone make you feel less than because of a passport you hold or a background you have. You are there because you are deserving. You are meant to be there. And we all have a right to take up space in this world. We all have space to share our voices. And Zimbabwe is taking over.
Amanda: Yes. Tasvika hey! (we have arrived)
Rumbi: Taneta ne kutambura we’re here (We’re tired of the struggle, we’re here).
Vongai: I love it so much. Thank you ladies. Before anyone's mad at me being like but we didn't hear about the stylist but we didn't hear about the social media manager. It's Okay y'all because they gonnabe back separately. much we can talk about as a trio. They will be back. Do not worry about it. Thank you so much ladies for sharing of your time. Your friendship, your memories, your warmth, your insight and just all your badassery and your bad Bness on Queen Bey’s birthday 40th birthday.
Rumbi: Only right it's only right and one day before we go we just wanted to say thank you for you know being who you are and for doing something that is so needed. Celebrating us as Zimbabweans. We celebrate you and the work you are doing. We're cheering you on. We are in your corner we cannot wait to have you on It's layered. Own your story. Like as I said don't let anyone tell you different and your voice is valid. You is smart. You is kind. You is important. Don’t apologize.
Amanda: Such a beautiful soul. Don't ever apologize. Don't feel small or keep going. Yeah, we love it. We want to see it. We want more.
Rumbi: And we can't wait to see you do the things you're going to do and as you take over like everyone will catch up later. Let them catch up. It's okay. You just keep going. Eyes on the Prize and you'll get there. Yeah. Kudos to you.
Amanda: Can’t wait to have you on It’s Layered.
Rumbi: Yeah, for sure.
Vongai: Thank you, Rumbi. Thank you, Amanda. So y'all, this was part one of the ZimExcellence x It's Layered crossover episode. Keep your eyes and your ears peeled for part two on the It's Layered podcast to come soon. And you know what you have to do have to go and subscribe so you make sure you get it when it's out. Thank y'all have a great week.