Munya Chanetsa : Your Favourite M.O.T.I (2)
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Munyaradzi (Munya) Chanetsa has dedicated his professional life to the business of music and entertainment. He is currently employed as A&R Manager: Africa for Sony ATV Music Publishing South Africa. With over 10 years experience in the music and entertainment space in the sourcing, licensing, curation, creation, monetization and distribution of audio and visual content Munya has decided to launch his own online education music platform called Masters Of The Industry (M.O.T.I) Africa. He has extensive experience across the continent due to directly engaging with mobile and online platforms, independent record labels, artists and publishers.
Masters Of The Industry (M.O.T.I) Africa
Website: www.motiafrica.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moti_africa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/munyachanetsa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MotiAfrica
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaM9HaX8bBIE49Lq1EN04Qw
M.O.T.I Theme Song
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/526r2VBGxoPy7l9jpRsMed
AppleMusic : https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/moti/1480872847
Seeking justice for Lion Sleeps Tonight composer (BBC News Article) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-55333535
ReMastered: The Lion's Share | Netflix Official Site
Happy Endings : The Mbube Story
Resources mentioned:
Music Business Podcast
Trapetable with Dan Runcie
Water and Music with Sherry Hu (Patreon)
Africa Music Law
Set List
Academy of Sound Engineering – Masterclass in Music Business
Music Business Worldwide (newsletter)
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Intro : I don't know about you but I'm ready for Part 2 !
Munya: But anyway, it's a sad story.
Vongai: This used to happen to Motown artists a lot. Like this happened a lot in the 60s. To a lot of Black acts because people couldn't read, or they were promised certain things. But the things that they were promised wasn't in writing. It was I forget, maybe it was the Ronettes. I was watching, This Is Pop on Netflix. And it was talking about the Brill building, and one of the acts, they were promised Oh, by, like, I'm putting aside money for your trust fund for when you turn 21. And this girl group couldn't wait until they turned 21. And then when they all turned 21, they're asking about the money. And they're, like, people are talking to them as if they're crazy. Like, what do you mean, we never said anything about money. And so they had to then break away from the contract. Because, like they were making pennies. It's absolutely awful.
Munya: It’s just heartbreaking. And I mean, this is these are creatives, this is the lifeblood of the whole industry. But we are not enabling them to be able to create more to be able to invest in their craft, and create more for for them. Because I mean, it's hard to create when you're worrying about what your family is going to be eating tonight, you know what I mean? And that why we need to get to a point where let the creators, do what they need to do, which is create. Let them do it like and let them have enough money so they can reinvest into the craft. Let it happens, and it's for the betterment of the industry as a whole. Let's just get things in order. Yeah, it's heartbreaking yo. But um, so yeah, so then with Mbube. Yeah, eventually. So yeah, I think at the end of it, they only said that, I think the family ended up only getting an amount of $250,000. That's what I and I think that's what even is shared at the end of the movie. Of the documentary, sorry. It's, it's the same thing. And I think, yeah, the song has gone on to make over $16 million, and climbing. So you know, when I heard that story, so I was fortunate to attend what this school called the Academy of Sound Engineering in Johannesburg, I did a course which is called the Masterclass in Music Business. And that's where I also learned upon last year, I even learned about copyright. And I realized I only knew about one half of the whole industry, and I don't even know about copyright. And this was the biggest case study. And this was a global thing. And I remember just thinking, like, How come? Nothing seems to be happening about this. Like, I mean, in my head, I was imagining if, if this was an industry, we should be in an arms about this still, you know, is it like, this was this is terrible, that went what went down, we should be trying to figure out how to help the family. And, and I mean, and that's where I was like, so what I ended up doing, and I think I got even more fired up after I watched the documentary, because I was like, This is ridiculous. I said, Now, I can't allow this. Let me let me just do my part. And what I ended up doing is what the idea as a whole was that I wanted to, I approached the family, the family trust, fortunately, I knew the family lawyer, and I engaged with them. And the plan was, I was like, what I want to do is I want to create a new version of Mbube, because what I also found out was that it was out of copyright. So that means that it had reached his copyright term. So with music is that when it goes like that, it goes into public domain, and then technically, you're able to create a new copyright using that using that and you don't have to seek permission or you don't even need to compensate. It's Yeah, it's out of copyright. So I realized it was out of copyright and I was like, let's try and do a new version of it. So and by I, I linked up with some gents. These two gents BokkieULT who's this really dope. He's a very motivated young DJ doing his thing. And he has, I mean, the funny thing is when I started thinking about this project, I remember like I'd mentioned a lot of guys and I mean, at the end of the day, everyone thought it was cool. But BokkieULT is the only person who asked I told him and I remember not even really thinking much about it because as I said, I've mentioned this to a lot of people. He was the only one who came back with something. He was like yo Munya I’ve done a beat with that thing you spoke about. Let's see. And I mean, I listened to it, and I really liked it. I genuinely liked it. And that's when he also brought on one of his boys. He’s also someone I've known for some time, Cueber, who's also a DJ, producer, record label owner, I think he's self publishes for himself. And I mean, people know Cueber. And together, they really put this thing this, this beat together. And I remember thinking, like, I want this to be something which South Africa can be proud of and slash Africa. You know, it's like South African story. And I remember thinking, this, if we address something like this, my plan was like to do two things. I was like, let's this it will bring healing to the industry, I feel if we can address this in such a way that because I think a lot of healing is needed. And then I was like, but also we can educate people. So what I started doing was, we started documenting just the processes of things that we're doing. And I've we've documented quite a bit, we documented quite a bit already. But there's still the end of which I still we haven't done the end of it yet. But what we did manage to do was so yeah, as I was saying, I wanted it to be grand. So I, I want I started first engaging with the Soweto Gospel Choir, a few of the members were on board, but then you know, trying to deal with them was quite one. Number one, I found out that was the time when I found out I didn't even know they were signed to a record label in Australia. So I was even, like, That's insane. Yeah, that's and I was even like, well, that's interesting. So and then anyway, because it's such a very hectically busy and I mean, shout out to them, but they're so busy that at some point I was like, yeah, I'm gonna have to make another call and try to figure out who else I can get to perform this my old place of employment, which is called Content Connect Africa, we used to manage the Mahotella Queens, and they still do manage them out to the Queens and if you if you know the Mahotella Queens, they are legendary in the sense. I mean, they've been in the industry, I think this year, we celebrated. It was like 50 I think they'd be, like 57 years of the industry. It's like, they've just been I mean, they've they've had hits, they will perform with a gentleman Mahlathini. They had hits, like, Gazette. Yeah, cuz that was, I think that's one of the biggest songs. And I mean, so, I mean, I was I was able to actually even two of them out of so I mean, they they've aged between 73 and 78 years old these ladies. And I mean, I've known them for years. And I mean, I really do look at them as mothers. And eventually I reached out to Antos Stella with my Yeah, my old boss, but yeah, I reached out to her. And yeah, she, she loved the idea. She because she still manages Mahotella Queens and we managed to get the Mahotella Queens on the song, which was like, for me, it was beautiful that I mean, I even had to, it's, uh, you know, when putting this together. The funny thing is, I had some I had to actually even jump into the booth to help with the bass in that song because I forgot that as much as this is acapella but the Queens needed, obviously, they needed the bass guys, and I forgot about that. So we had to lend, me, Cueber and the Mahotella Queens manager Veli, Veli Shabangu. He actually used to be the percussionist for Lucky Dube. The three of us had to do the bass for the song. But um, it was a great day, it was really fun. And we were recording it. And I mean, ideally, then, I mean, I shared it with the family lawyer, they liked the track. And the idea then from there was I like to do a music video, because I just wanted something. But I only managed to do a lyric video, which is available on some YouTube right now, with the Mahotella Queens and what I was saying is that two of them actually came out of retirement, the two who are in retirement came out and just did this project with me now because mom, Hilda who is the eldest of the queens and but she's still going with regards she's still performing. And she's been grooming some new queens some younger ladies. And but she's the only one but the originals came out for this. So it made it really special this project for me. And I was just like, you know, outside of this project, I really want to do right by the Mahotella Queens as well, because they've done a lot. And it's always sad that mom Hilda is very vocal about how a prophet is never honored in their own town. And that's I think Jesus said that. And so she always feels like, you know, in South Africa, when do they overseas they're really cheap, like queens, however back home in South Africa, they're not. But anyway, that's besides the point. So yeah, so going back to Mbube. So the purpose of Mbube was to, as I said, create healing and education and I really wanted to honor and really shed light on what happened with Solomon Linda, because I think the mistake that happened in 1970 1938 are still happening today in 2021. And I mean that doesn't make sense. And I'm just like guys, like, we need to figure this out quicker sooner than later. So that this this stops we can't keep having this happen. You know, we keep hearing the same stories where Yeah, guy just signed the well Solomon Linda is not the same because it's not that he signed and that It's questionable. But in this day and age, we do just have artists signing agreements because they just want to work with a major label, they don't even care, they just sign because it says Sony, or they or sometimes they just call it and they there's this payment in this money sometimes advances paid. And I mean, we need to do better and understand how things work we need to understand what we're signing them and I mean, sometimes things just work organically so the project only hit out until the lyric video and what I really wanted to do was to do an actual music video as well. Plan was also exploring remixes with other African artists. And and the plan is to also teach and the idea is to document all of this because by doing remixes my other plan is to further extend the copyright, and also get more money for the family through copyright. You know what I mean? So, so do more remixes and explore doing. I wanted to do an event, an actual concert where the family now comes family of honor. And I guess everyone who's partaken everyone who's done a remix, ever, the Queen's we have just a performance with everyone and they do their own songs as well as their version of Mbube. I remember just I went all in with this. And I remember engaging also with the in Johannesburg, there's a place called in Gauteng, there's a place called the cradle of humankind. And it's believed there, that's where the first human bones have been discovered that ever so they call it the cradle of humankind. And I think it's like it's fact. So within that area, there's a place called the Nirox Sculpture Park, which is really beautiful sculpture park and, and I remember just saying like, it'd be dope to to explore, like, you know, states that have the Walk of Fame and it great, you know you honor creative’s or no, it's actually it's not just creatives on the Walk of Fame is it ?
Vongai : Yes, just people in entertainment
Munya: Entertainment as a whole. Yeah. So I was like, why don't we try, explore, start doing something like that. And I mean, I was engaging with them and exploring about, and I was like, let's call it the Pride Walk. And Solomon Linda will be the first one.
Vongai : [gasps] I like that.
Munya : Come on, you feel it. Feel it in the spirit. So let’s do that and have Solomon Linda be the first one. Let's start from there. And let's make it a yearly thing where we are honoring creators, or however often we do it, and we just keep doing it. I mean, so that's, that was the dream for this project. And I mean, I overall, I called it, it was called Happy Endings, the Mbube story. And because the reason I couldn't Happy Endings is because if you watch The Lion Share, there's no happy ending for the family. And I was just like, you know, sometimes people just deserve a happy ending. So that's how I was like, Yeah, I call it Happy Endings, and the Mbube story, and we just go like that. And as I said, Yeah, documented, put it out. And, yeah, so still a work in progress. It's just a matter of really funding actually, that I just need to put together.
Vongai : Investors, if you are listening.
Munya: Knock knock
Vongai: We will take your money. Yo Munya that is so amazing. That is so heartwarming to hear, then I hope that it's going to inspire more people to take action in their own ways with like, the resources that they have to find. I guess we'll call it musical social justice for different artists. Yeah, I love that so much. So what keeps you going when times are hard and you feel like giving up? How do you practice self-care?
Munya: Yeah that’s very interesting. Yeah. And especially, you know, the week we just had in South Africa, it's been such an intense week.
Vongai : Yeah, at the time of recording this, that there have been protests and riots in South Africa. Looting.
Munya: Looting. Killing and just it’s been something else. You know, I think mental health is something I've always taken seriously. And I mean, I think I was, I was very fortunate to have been introduced to well, initially, it was, it was what we call Conscious Counseling for me. And it was provided when I was working at like Content Connect Africa, where I think at one point in my life, I definitely I guess my morale was low, and I just wasn't performing and that time, my boss then was like, Yeah, she she, she bought someone and this this this wonderfully experienced woman by the name of Yvonne Johnson, and she became a conscious counselor for us in the team and I mean, I remember after engaging with her I really did see a difference in my life. You know, like, on a serious note, just in terms of my mental and how I was thinking and consciously thinking and trying to just, like constantly being positive and I believe like I'm but I mean, it's not actually preached these things, but I think for some of the things for me like from it, I just learned that I believe in the power of positivity and being positive. You know, even through through it all, you know, and generally always believing that everything. Everything happens happens for my good. Yeah. And just the law of attraction as well. So it's very important to try to say,
Vongai : Yeah same tribe. Same tribe. Yeah, I cannot wait until we meet in person. Yeah. Yeah, my big brother now. Sorry.
Munya: You’re in Zim. You said you’re in Zim right now.
Vongai: Yeah, currently, yeah.
Munya : Okay. Okay.
Vongai : Yeah but paneCOVID. So, yeah.
Munya : All right, no, rush. But, um, so I was introduced to that, that kind of that, that that phase. And I mean, so I mean, even outside when it wasn't being offered at work, I still continued. And I mean, it really helped me just get a good grounding with things, you know. And so I've always appreciated and I think at some point, I stopped. Well, I still always keep in touch with Yvonne Johnson. She's very dear person to me. And but I think, yeah, at some point, I stopped with the conscience counseling. And it was only until 2019. I think, 2020 No, no, no, when COVID stuff started. That's when like things kind of just, I kind of started slipping, you know, where, and at the time, I think it was all
Vongai : I think we all did. I think we all did. So be gentle with yourself
Munya: So at that year started off, so weird for because I remember even that was the year where, in February earlier that year, a couple of friends of mine made some really close friends. We went to Cape Town for a wedding. And then we I remember one evening, we went to dinner, and then the restaurant got jacked. Like people came in with guns, and the restaurant got jacked, so that year was already on a rocky start for me. And you know, then I think then, then that happened in February. So we came back, and then I think shortly after, so I think I never really, at the time, I hadn't really processed it. And I hadn't been able to address this thing, but that that affected me then COVID hit. And then now you're and I stay by myself. So now I'm sitting home alone. And the walls are talking to me. And I'm just now a bit more paranoid about things. And, and the funny thing is, it was not the first time this this that this has happened to me. But for some reason, this time, it really shook me, I think, because I really didn't see it coming. And not only that, not that I saw it coming the first time around. But I mean, I just think I was completely blindsided. And also, I think because the way I treat my life and the like the way I do things, and as I said, I believe now the power of positivity and the like. And so I was like how I think I was doubting a lot at the time. And I was like, how did like I was questioning like, maybe does this power this, this law of attraction work then? Because I mean, how did I attract this into my life? Like, there was a lot of questioning. And then very fortunate, I've got a very close friend who recommend she's actually mentioned that she's been seeing someone for some time. So I was like, yo, can you please, I'm looking to speak to someone, can you recommend? And eventually, while she shared the details of that I linked up with the Jeanine and shout out to Jeanine because it's it's really amazing. And I think she doesn't even call us out like a therapist. I prefer he prefers as a master coach. I think you know, it was really dope connected with her because it helps just figure out, you know, at the end of the day, sometimes you just realize that, as people we were winging it each and every single day as we're doing things like know, as much as you can plan and strategize and do everything, when you're actually in the moment of the now as you're doing so that you're literally figuring it out as we're getting along. And sometimes, I think we we, especially for some of us, and I'm someone who I like control as well.
Vongai : Oh same ! Why are we the same person.
Munya: I feel we are the same person actually. Control is a problem.
Vongai : They're really do say like attracts like.
Munya : Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. It's just like, Oh, yeah, control is a problem. And when you kind of start losing control, it can become problematic. So I started seeing Jeanine now. And I mean, I've been seeing which I see as still till today. But I think this, people are there for a reason. And as I said, we're all trying to figure this out. And I mean, and then something like last week happened where like a war basically felt like it erupted in South Africa. And it's like something how do we deal with that? And they certainly things that we need to realize that. We aren't equipped to deal with certain things. Because I mean, we're just human beings. And sometimes we do take a lot on ourselves. You try to figure stuff out on ourselves, but you only know what you know, you know what I mean? And sometimes, what you need to also realize is that some of this is unlearning that we have to do as well sometimes in life. We need to unlearn a lot of things that even our parents, you need to recognize our parents just did the best they could. Like, you only know what you know, they did what they thought was the best thing. And maybe there were certain things which, which you need to now unlearn that when correct. That wasn't necessarily correct. You know. So mental health is very important to me. And that's how I do my best to try to figure it out. I mean, it definitely helps. I don't see Jeanine as much. And even just to answer I mean, when with regards to the problem that I had, just to give people an answer, what happened was, eventually, I mean, the realization that she helped me with was, she was like Munya do you realize that you weren't the only person in that room? And that's when I was like, Ah, that's, that's very interesting. She was like, she was like, how do you take responsibility for everyone's energy in that room, you can't do that you can only take responsibility for your energy. And the truth of the matter is, it could have ended up worse. But look, you're still able to tell the tale you walked out of it. So that is to the positive, you know what I mean? And I hadn't thought of it like that. And that was powerful to me. And that helped me get back on the horse. And I was actually like, okay, let's, let's get back to work and do what we need to do again. And so I'm forever grateful for that. So I said, I only see I know, once a month. There's a time when I'll see her weekly. But now I think I only see her once a month, because I've definitely got myself together. But yeah, mental health is a real thing. But also with mental. We mustn't forget physical. And I mean, I know I've also started, I also now because of COVID. Obviously, things change. I definitely wasn't exercising as much. I wasn't eating right, even like now Uber Eats became my friend.
Vongai : I mean potato chips. I just. I plop myself on my bed, I put on Netflix, I reach for the BBQ potato chips. And I'm just like, and it took me a while to realize, like I'm doing it without even having the craving or without feeling hungry. And I'm like, No, I, I'm keeping myself from thinking and processing something. And like, what is that thing. So like I did a 16-week mindset course at the beginning of this year. And luckily I got in through a diversity scholarship. So I did it for free, which was amazing. And I just so needed it because at the end of 2020 I just felt so broken and like I get panic attacks I get very very anxious so like I take CBD CBD changed my life. And I have an anxiety blanket. But like this 16-week mindset course, we dived into the spiritual. So talking about like the, the universal laws of the universe, we dived into psychology. So just like knowing how things work, like psychologically in the brain, and how we process things, and childhood wounds and forgiveness work all of that stuff. And we also worked with like quantum physics and my teacher, literally, she did the best job with this course. She gave us we had breathwork classes. And even if people weren't available live, they were recorded. So you'd like do the breathwork classes, you had meditations to go to sleep with, hypnoses, subliminals workbooks, so that you're answering the questions and doing the work. Yeah, and, and just tools like shaking and dancing. And so like, I've learned that, yeah, in moments when I feel myself falling back in the hole, I have a chat with myself. And I remind myself, you have the tools, you can pick up the tools now. So like even if I I don't want to I know like, I don't want to feel the emotion. It's not that the emotion is good or bad. It's just that when you process it you end up getting more clarity. So I'll make myself get up and like put on a song and dance and scream and shout. Do the shaking and all the moves. Yeah, yeah. And then I'll have to pause about like, oh, why am I grabbing for the potato chips? Okay, let me journal about this or maybe let me go grab an apple instead of the other thing. Yeah, cos I see the difference it has in my energy when I'm like reaching for processed sugar versus reaching for like fruit?
Munya : Yes, it's so important. And that's a big one health and diet and yeah, last year was bad for me. It really was and it led to the point now where if I end up scalping now my cholesterol was like ridiculous now, that's when I had to actually now conscious and that was, I'm talking like two three months ago actually. It's like pretty recent. It's like I realized that my cholesterol was really high and I really, I mean, I remember this thinking is because of that kind of stuff where it's diet mainly and I mean now, I've definitely had to cut down on a lot more like only having fish and chicken type thing. Trying to eat a lot less red meat. Trying to stay away from sugars. Exercising a lot more, eating more veggies and fruits rather like having it ended up being just that full on where you have to do a bit of a lifestyle change even avoiding certain alcohols, like avoiding mixes, ones that you mix, try to reach for, if you're going to gin and tonic try get a sugar free tonic, which tastes horrible. I’ve never like sugar-free things.
Vongai : Oh wow. [laughs] I’ve never like I've never liked gin and tonic, but I didn't even know there was even a sugar-free one.
Munya: Oh, there's a sugar-free tonic for sure. But it's also about moderation. And I mean, I still do because the truth is, I still want to have a gin and tonic. And it's just about moderation as well, just managing things as well. So, yeah, discipline, and just do my best every day. Yeah, it's key,
Vongai: I want to acknowledge that like, you know, a 2020 almost broke all of us. And, you know, we've lost so many people to this virus, and to just so many other awful horrific acts of violence and, and things. And so let's acknowledge and give gratitude and pat ourselves on the back for being here because our bodies are doing the best that we can and we're still breathing. And it is such a pleasure to be having this conversation with you. We made it Munya we madei. Because we resilient. Okay, final questions, and then we're doing speed round. Okay. So aside from MOTI, obviously, are there any resources or calls to action, whether there are courses, organizations, books, websites, podcasts that you would recommend to someone in music industry or who also wants to do A&R and do what you doing?
Munya: So in terms of podcasts, I mean, the ones there's, there's three that I do listen to quite a bit. So there's the Music Business podcast, there's one called Trapital by Dan Runcie. And I'm also i'm also subscribed to his newsletter I think those are some really dope ones. I'm on Patreon as well on Patreon, I subscribe to Water and Music by a lady called Sherry Hu. The podcast I also listen to is African Music Law. That's a podcast is there and the other one which I couldn't remember was Setlist. Setlist is just an international. So I mean, it's really dope. These are like, I mean, I don't listen to I don't care to listen to gossip about industry stuff. And some podcasts are like that I really I prefer the business ones where you can actually walk away learning something. So those are the podcasts, in terms of other kind of newsletters I subscribe to. There's also the Music Business Worldwide. I think that's a great platform, which gives you just a great just oversight in what's happening in the business side of music and entertainment. Yeah, those are things that I listened to. I'm subscribed to and check out and just stay to stay abreast of what's happening. What would someone have to I mean, you know, that's why I say, you know, my career path has been such a strange one because I can't even really say that I've like, I've just as I always say I’ve always just followed music and where it takes me I kind of just follow it. When I'm in that position, I learn as much as I possibly can, and then see what I can do from there. You know, so, I mean, it's hard to hard to say exactly, but I mean, I mean, I would recommend certain things like. I mean the Master in Music Business was a great course I did at Academy of Sound Engineering, I definitely recommend that to anyone. But that's quite advanced. I'm also, ah let me not say it prematurely, but there is also an international music business school that I'm looking at working with which we're looking at exploring putting together a course, with MOTI. So MOTI and the business school, we're looking at working on something together. So hopefully that will be the answer to help anyone who actually wants to walk away with something that's certified and can be recognized, but yeah, I'd say that's it falls off the top of my head.
Vongai: That's awesome. It sounds like yeah, MOTI is the starting point. And once you like you're fully in those waters, then go check out the podcasts, and then you just start to layer up and the work is daily even if it's like five minutes a day. Sounds like the work is daily. That's so awesome. Yeah. Okay. lightning round. Okay. What is your zodiac sign? I'm a Capricorn
Munya: Aquarius.
Vongai : Yeah, you're the forward thinker. The way it was explained to me is if this was a US cafeteria, and there are all these different cliques. Aquarius is the one at the table that says anyone can sit here.
Munya: Like you’re welcome.
Vongai : Okay, are you an early bird or night owl?
Munya: Oh, things have changed now. I used to be like a bit of a night owl but mostly an early bird. I'd say I'm more of a late night owl now.
Vongai : Last song you listened to?
Munya: Last song would have been Sinner by Adekunle Gold.
Vongai : There we go.
Munya: We share the same birthday. Funny enough. I remember once been fortunate enough to meet him on his birthday in Nigeria, which is also my birthday. He's definitely someone who I've been a fan of his music for a long time and, and he's breathing serious heat all of a sudden. So yeah, Sinner was a song I believe he dropped last week.
Vongai: We played the song just before we hit record and y'all tt was really great. I'm really onto new artists. And so I was like, that's hella dope. I've really been obsessed with that. Um, that Essence song by Wizkid and Tems. lt just shot to like Hot 100 like that. I was like, I literally heard five seconds of it on someone's Instagram story, like, a week or two ago and I was like, Yo, this is dope. And I listened to the full thing I just listened to every day and then suddenly it's everywhere.
Munya: Those are fire artists.
Vongai: Okay last book you read?
Munya: Last book I read is Make Yourself Unforgettable: How to become the person everyone remembers, and no one can resist by Dale Carnegie
Vongai: Yes, Dale Carnegie. He actually went to my acting school. We’re alums!
Munya: I didn’t know he was an actor.
Vongai: I know it's the weirdest thing but yes he went to the Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. It's amazing. Okay, favorite movie or album from the past year or this award season?
Munya: Think I'm going to go for all so then I'll be honest with, but it's also I'm being very honest. Adekunle Gold again. I'm just trying to remember the last album was called the last album he dropped was called Afro Pop Volume One. So that was a dope album as an as a body of work. I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it.
Vongai: I loved that Chloe x Halle album. But the album I'm really digging lately is Shungudzo’s album. Do you know Shungudzo? She, oh, she's she's Zimbabwean. She's amazing. She's based in the US. And she has an album that came out last month called I'm not a mother, but I have children and she's hella dope. She's done stuff with Bantu and Rudimental. And, and she's written for I think, Little Mix. Yeah, she's she's hella dope. She's She's a mix of like, indie alternative. Yeah, I'm, I'm trying to get her on the podcast as well. I, I connected with her on Instagram. She's like, one of my faves.
Munya: I see her. I’m gonna actually look into it.
Vongai : There you go. Shungudzo I got you another fan!
Munya: Shout out. I'm gonna Check it out immediately.
Vongai: So if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Munya: What superpower would I have? And, you know, the funniest thing is I was recently told someone asked me if you were an X-Men Munya who would you be? And then I said, they were like, they were actually like, and I was like, shut your face. They're like, you look like Beast, though. I think you should be Beast except you’re Black not Blue. And I was like, I think I'm offended. Although I appreciate the intellect but I’m offended right now. Who? What kind of power would I want? I mean the power I would love to have-
Vongai: I just came up with a power in my head. This second. Wanna know what it is?
Munya: Okay, tell me. Tell me.
Vongai: So my power is usually teleportation. But I just realized, you know, when you like, like, all of a sudden, you're humming a song that you haven't heard in years, but you can't remember who sang it. I wish like my superpower would be like I hear the five seconds and I'm like, it's that. Like, instead of like holding the phone and being like, Siri, who is this? Yeah.
Munya: Shazam please? Okay, I thought of a power that I wouldn’t mind having. I would love to have the power to create songs, songs that have like. So for example, imagine. Let's just say Trump, and what’s the guy in Korea, North Korea.
Vongai: Kim Jong Il. No sorry it’s Kim Jong Un,
Munya: Imagine like through the power of music, like I'm able to create a song that is so powerful that and somehow I have thepower to know the kind of music that they both love. And then I'm able to create a song that they will both love that ends up joining them together. So imagine having the power where you can just create songs where people who are enemies can't help but become friends now and it’s like ha! Ha! Now you have a song that you share! Ha! Ha! Ha! And then you dance and you’re happy.
Vongai: I don't even think that power is like, like it's it's it's manipulative, but like not in like a deep dark way like I support this.
Munya : It could be evil now that I think about it. But I'll use it for good.
Vongai: Yeah it could be used for evil but like, yeah, we got to make sure you remain with this. Yeah this sounds like a whole movie, we need to sit down and write this Munya before someone listens to the podcast and steals this.
Munya: Talk to me! Talk to me!
Vongai: Copyright! Yes! We will work together. Oh dope dope dope. Yeah, slight tangent. One of my roommates is a musician and he'll literally compose things in his dreams and then wake up and be like, What was? What was the song?
Munya: Ah, that must be amazing. But also Yeah, it must be those times when you wake up and you just can’t remember.
Vongai : You wake up and you're like, but what was the tune?
Munya: Have you read? There's a book called Musicology and I remember when he was talking about certain phenomenon about people who literally just sleep and they wake up and they're able to they're able to remember every single note every single thing about the song so I think there's even cases about people who just don't have music doesn't switch off. They always hear music all the time. It’s a really fascinating book. It was actually a book I was recommended. I think it was Black Coffee who told me about that book.
Vongai: Oh that’s dope.
Munya: Yeah it was a book Black Coffee literally told me about. Yeah and art is insane.
Vongai : Speaking of musicians, favorite Zimbabwean musician?
Munya : You know, I'm enjoying this guy called Brian K right now he's, he's one of my I'm enjoying Brian K, but at the same time, because it's just the same type of music he does. But I mean, Poptain and Anita Jaxson (Anita Jackson). Those two are also bringing the tings in a different vibe. So I know I was meant to just mention one. Sorry.
Vongai : No worries. Dope dope dope. Put them all on cos ZimExcellence. Favorite childhood snack?
Munya: Ah there's so many. Okay, let me just try to think of one. Fred chocolates.
Vongai: Freddy chocolates. Ah no you were right it was Fredo. Yeah you’re right.
Munya: I think it was Fredo. Fredo or Frodo.
Vongai: Mazoe Orange vs. Mazoe Green. This is the most important question of all.
Munya: Ah orange I’m sorry. I won’t even hesitate.
Vongai: Don't apologize.
Munya: In actual fact, the problem for me is the raspberry flavor. Raspberry and Peach are the ones that can actually they're the problems for me actually but ah Cream Soda can sit down.
Vongai: Okay. The next one is a power statement that you fill out. It starts I am ZimExcellence, because blank,
Munya: I am ZimExcellence because I am warried. I’ll just saw ‘warrried’. Warried is a Zim slang word that. I mean it’s not just me and my guys I mean it’s something we've been. Warried is the opposite of to be worried, which is, if you're worried about something whereas warried with an a is the opposite, which means you don't care and you just do your thing. So I'm gonna go with I am ZimExcellence because I'm warried.
Vongai: It's gonna be interesting when I make the graphic for this because I'm gonna have to put the asterisk and then put the definition. But that’s fun! Okay, if you could nominate if you could nominate someone for the award of ZimExcellence, who would it be?
Munya: First person who comes to mind would be one of my boys Tafadzwa Hove. Taf Hove is, I agree is one of my first friends when I grew up in Zim and I mean, it was recently announced that he's going to be working on with Disney on some animation projects.
Vongai: I saw that and then I followed him on Instagram, and I want to connect with him.
Munya: Hovey Hove that’s my guy. So yeah, he'd be someone I put up for sure.
Vongai: Tafadzwa Hove, you have officially been nominated for the award of ZimExcellence by Munyaradzi Chanetsa. Okay. If you could nominate someone to come on the show. who would it be? Would it be Tafadzwa?
Munya: Yeah I would say Tafadzwa as well. Yeah. That makes sense.
Vongai: Now, now he has to come on the show. He's been nominated. That's how it works. It's a trap. Okay. Munyaradzi it has absolutely been a party like I knew it would be. We’re the same person. We are tribe. We are in the same whatsapp group, all of da tings. So as we as we as we wrap up the show, I would love it if you could share a message with our listeners, as well as letting them know where they can follow your journey. Whether it's a website, Instagram or Twitter, and by the way, you don't have to spell it out. I will put it in the show notes. Okay, save you some spelling time.
Munya: Thank ya! We're gonna go back to MOTI : Masters of the Industry, it is a call to action. For that set of people who do want to understand the business side of the industry. Creatives , you're most welcome to come through just so that you understand. So you understand the expectations of who should be doing what you understand the basics as well. But really, it's a call out to just a new breed of people who want to proudly understand and be called themselves masters of the industry. And, and know better so that as a whole, we all just do better our creatives, we need to protect our creatives with everything. And that's what's really important. So, yeah, that's my message when we know better we do better. Shout out to MOTIs please register on the website, www.motiafrica.com you can just input your email, and I'll be sure to keep you guys updated as to when we're launching and when everything is going to be happening. But yeah, and on socials, personally I’m Munya Chanetsa just Munya Chanetsa that's my social across the board. I'm most active on Instagram. Although I mean, I have got Twitter, my Twitter is @Illu_munya_ti.
Vongai: I mean thanks for spelling but it’s going to be in the shownotes.
Munya: I know sorry. My bad you did say, you did say. Yeah, and please do follow all MOTI Africa. channels across the board. It’s on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and it’s @MOTIAfrica across the board. And yeah, and my personal journey @munyachanetsa and you got me.
Vongai: It's been dope.org since we only record audio for this podcast, it's important that I let y'all know that Munya is wearing his own merch.
Munya : Tell em!
Vongai: He’s wearing a t-shirt that says Know Better Do Better. KBDB. Dash MOTI. And he's also wearing the MOTI What is this like? A hoodie? Jacket?
Munya: It’s a jacket you know?
Vongai: Yeah, so I cannot wait for the merch to go online. I'm trying to cop the hat. Maybe some socks. Yeah. Maybe there'll be like some little like MOTI earbuds.
Munya: Amen!
Vongai : You never know.
Munya: We speak from your mouth to God’s ears. Amen. Amen.
Vongai: I'm trying to get the water bottle. So yeah the dude is decked out. And he also has a theme song, the MOTI theme song, the link is gonna be in the show notes. It is hella dope. It is a vibe, it's gonna get you going and get you motivated and inspired. It's on Spotify, Apple Music, all the links. But like I said, I'm putting all the resources mentioned in this episode in the show notes. Thank you so much, my brother Munyaradzi Chanetsa.
Munya: Thank you and thank you so much for the platform, and and for you for being you. It is really appreciated. We see what you're doing and thank you for recognizing fellow Zimbabweans and putting us on. Thank you, and I look forward to working soon.
Vongai: You’re so welcome, bye y’all
Outro : Mazvita. Tatenda. Siyabonga. Thank you so much for tuning in to this week’s episode of ZimExcellence. If you found value from this episode please share it with a friend and go ahead and subscribe, rate and review.
If you send me a screenshot of your review I’ll make sure to give you a shoutout on future episodes. Feel free to tag us on Instagram. @zimexcellencepodcast
And if you identify as Zimbabwean I want to hear your story so go ahead and email zimexcellencepodcast@gmail.com. Til then have the best week and stay ZimExcellent!