Bonus : Hiatus
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Taking a break. Be back soon.
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Hello hello my friends. Makadini, Salibonani everyone. I hope you are all staying safe and as safe as you can. Please continue to wash your hands, sanitize, mask up and take all the precautions because y'all we are actually still in a pandemic. We are still in a pandemic so y'all please take care of yourselves and take care of each other.
Quick announcement. So as you can see there is no episode of ZimExcellence coming out this week. Initially there was an episode but I decided to take a pause and I'm putting the show on hiatus for a couple weeks. As a one woman show and what that means is I currently do all of the guest prospecting, I edit the whole podcast, I do all the graphics. Basically all of the podcast is done by one person and that person is me. And I don't make any money from this podcast and it is a lot of work. I have decided that I would like to take a step back, pause, get some much needed rest and possibly start to work on some other projects for a while and see if there are ways in which I can make this show better. And how I can reach more people and get in touch with some of the guests I would love to have on the show.
I'm taking a bit of a break but I will be back soon. Know that I have about five episodes ready to go and I am so thankful for all my guests that I emailed this week letting them know I am taking a pause.
I don't believe in seasons because I see ZimExcellence as a growing archive of our people so technically if it was season 2 I have a good list of guests ready to go. I have a chef, I have someone in music publishing, a surgeon and someone in haircare y'all. I would let you know who the guest are but as you know I LOVE surprises so I'm just going to leave you with the hints. I've had some really great great conversations and there are many more conversations that I am yet to have. I also want to give a shout out to Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka because they are fabulous examples of Black women taking a stand for their mental health, self-care and self-love journeys. They've give me the strength to just pause and reflect.
Be back in a couple weeks. I'll be back with some GOOD stuff and feel free to catch up on previous episodes if you didn't get to finish them or replay older episodes because they are filled with gems.
And for those of you wondering how you can continue to support the show. Please continue to share the show with people who you believe will find value from the show. Spread the word on all your social media platforms. If you want to Buy Me A Coffee , I have a link to my buy me a coffee in the shownotes. You can buy me 1 coffee, 5 coffees, 100 coffees. Who's counting? Hot Chocolates ! It's all appreciated but not necessary. Anything that you do contribute goes to the post-production of the show. Otherwise have the best best week. Love to you all.