2022 Life Updates + Where did I go?
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Happy 2022! Life Updates. Be back soon, love y'all.
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TITLE : 2022 Life Updates + Where did I go?
[upbeat music plays]
Makadini, Salibonani, Hello my lovelies! Yes, it’s me Vongai. I am finally back at the mic. This is long overdue and you’re all probably wondering. What happened? Where did you go?
Well I have much to catch you up on. For anyone who is new, WELCOME and thank you for being here. ZimExcellence is a celebration of Zimbabwe’s changemakers and trailblazers from around the world. It celebrates our biggest achievements, our diversity as well as what connects us.
My mission... is to amplify Zimbabwean voices, redefine the narrative and finally recognize the glory that exists within our culture and that exists within our people.
Since you last heard from me in 2021. I took a nice well-needed break and once I was back I reached out to potential podcast guests. Some replied, some didn’t. Some were a great fit and some were unfortunately just looking for free advertising and had never even listened to one episode of the show. (gasp). I know right, it's shocking. Not a good look.
Anyway in the end, I had the pleasure of sitting down and recording amazing conversations with 5 wonderful guests. However, once I was ready to start editing these conversations, acting opportunities started to pick up for me. I shot an TV pilot with my friends, I co-led a workshop on podcasting for Rattlestick Theater and NYU’s MFA Musical Theatre Writing Grads, I was flown out to Catalyst Content Festival in Minnesota and got to host some fireside chats with entertainment industry executives. I was in play readings, took a trip down to Atlanta, Georgia and so much more that I’m forgetting. Y’all I had a full year and I am grateful.
However as a result I am now months behind my original episode release schedule AND because the podcast is still ad-free and unfortunately doesn’t pay my bills that means it’s going to take a while to get this all done right.
In the meanwhile, in case you missed it ZimExcellence now has an official line of merchandise that ships WORLDWIDE. I’m super proud of the designs. We got hats! t-shirts! phone cases! totes bags! You name it we got it. If we don’t have it I can get it made for you, lemme know. Christmas is coming up and these are the perfect gifts for the beloved Zimbos in your life.
Head to https://www.redbubble.com/people/zimexcellence/explore , the link will be in the shownotes and if you’re following me on Instagram it’s also in my bio link.
So please check out the store, spread the word to all your friends. #shamwaridzose and send us some photos of y’all rocking the swag. Another way you can support the show and help the episodes air faster is by showing your appreciation over at buymeacoffee.com/vongaiofficial or giftapp.com/vongaiofficial. Also be sure to leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts and spread the word about the show.
Ok y’all. That’s all for now, I’ve got some editing to do. Stay Safe and as always, Stay ZimExcellent
[upbeat music fades out]